!["In April we left for a seven week tour of Europe with the Talking Heads. That was two stress factors: the Talking Heads and Europe.[...] We were on a tour bus, and I hated the bus. We really didn't talk to them much. The Talking Heads were college](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/58eac2f1e3df28b2c284095e/1495578598062-GSYM5HTO2ESPOGFWZM4V/Screen+Shot+2017-05-23+at+3.26.19+PM.png)

"In April we left for a seven week tour of Europe with the Talking Heads. That was two stress factors: the Talking Heads and Europe.[...] We were on a tour bus, and I hated the bus. We really didn't talk to them much. The Talking Heads were college educated folks, and we were street kids."
- Johnny Ramone, from his book Commando
"It was on the bus the Ramones shared with the Talking Heads, riding along the valley of the Rhone River. Neither Ramone is interested in scenery; they never were.”
Photo by Danny Fields