!["In the studio, they stuck me in a little room to play by myself with headphones. I thought it was strange, but what did I know? [...] Tommy knew more about what we should do in the studio." -Johnny Ramone, from his book Commando .](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/58eac2f1e3df28b2c284095e/1495424248693-X7Y1Q1KUAYN8RGQSCZ0F/recording%2B020276.png)

01-1976 Signing with Sire at Arturo's
Photo by Danny FIelds
02-1976 Recording
"Doing an album in a week and bringing it in for $6,400 was unheard of, especially since it was an album that really changed the world. It kicked off punk rock and started the whole thing—as well as us."
—Joey Ramone
All Photos by Danny Fields
"In the studio, they stuck me in a little room to play by myself with headphones. I thought it was strange, but what did I know? [...] Tommy knew more about what we should do in the studio."
-Johnny Ramone, from his book Commando.
04-23-1976 Release of RAMONES
04-23-1976 Alexander's
" I saw our first album for the first time at Alexander's, probably the day it was released, April 23, 1976. There it was. It was cool, sort of like the first time I heard myself on the radio".
- Johnny Ramone, from his book Commando.
07-1976 Rock Scene:Ramones cut in
05-1976 Rock Scene: Ramones on Camera
1976 M.P.C.S’s TV studio Ramones-
Today Your Love,Tomorrow The World
1976 M.P.C.S’s TV studio Ramones
- 53rd & 3rd
1976 M.P.C.S’s TV studio First Video The Ramones .
“With their first album ready to release in early 1976 the Ramones were booked into M.P.C.S’s TV studio to shoot what Rock Scene Magazine would refer to as a ‘special 20 minute full colour surprise TV show’. I was there taking pictures. Arturo Vega’s backdrop with the band’s name seems to sag a bit, but that would add to the punkiness of the production, it was hoped!”
-Danny Fields